time of thin blood

the burden of genius..

Thursday, December 14, 2006

anarchical mindjob

i'm thinking about the society, in general. and what's wrong with it.

i'm talking about rallyists, anarchists, and the lot.

they rally on, talking about taxes and questioning why the government increased the tuition fees for the university of the philippines.

as if they have an idea of what's really goin' on. they have no effhin' clue, really.
the tuition fees they pay are for the maintenance costs of the institution, of which they abuse. yup, that's right, they overuse the facilities, and they're paying half of what they really owe. hell, that's a good deal, if you ask me.

i was never really a staunch supporter of the government. and i was never really happy with how our democracy is being run by today's politicians. i know it sucks. i know they're corrupt.

but these things, we have to set aside. i mean, these rallyists are barely paying for the service they're using, and yet they have the audacity to complain.

all they do is complain.

if they only have a good idea of what's really going on, maybe they'd consider complaining less. they act as if they know something, but in truth, they don't know shi*.

i mean, don't they have something else more productive to do? other than picketing? jesus. it's ridiculously useless.

rallies never amounted to anything but confusion, unproductivity and hassle. it never changed anything, and it only ended up victimizing the innocent people.

people who don't deserve the trouble, but are being hassled anyway. because of these inconsiderate jackasses.

changes were made by people who are very concerned as to actually doing something about it.

admirable people, people who work their way to solve the problem.

they don't do rallies. because rallyists...are all mouth, no guts.

besides, these kids never experienced major struggles in their life. and yet they have a lot to say. have they ever tried running a government? have they even tried running a service center? no. they don't know anything at all. they work their reasoning around ideas and simulated situations which are in fact, unreliable.

pretty funny if you think about it, because their parents are paying for the tuition fees they waste.

you see, the kid's parents are paying for them to go to school and actually learn something. they never did care about the expenses as long as they know their kid is doing well and studying very hard to get a decent future. yet the kid's got the nerve to become an activist and join rallies. something tells me this kid is bored and has no imagination that's why they chose such an obscure extracurricular activity. do they actually believe they're making things easier? do they really believe that they're helping they're poor parents?

they're only making things harder.

ask them. they all say the same thing. two words. puppets and politicians.

as if they really know anything about the government. ask them about their understanding of taxes and you'll hear an incredibly preposterous canned response. prefabricated by their supposed to be knowledgeable leaders who are in fact, as clueless as they are.

my advice...they should help their folks by studying hard, or by getting a part time job, if they really care about them. and then by eventually graduating and getting a decent job. and if they still believe in the imbalance, they should consider getting a good position wherein they can do something about it.

an entirely lost cause, these kids.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

absimilliard on christmassin'

i'm lovin' this.

it's the christmas season again.

everybody's christmassy and christmassin'.

i'm kinda optimistic with the comin' year, y'know. 'cause i got to thinkin', hell, if things don't change an' the whole place still sucks, then that's good. 'cause it's better that way. better than if things get much more worse, i mean.


if bad is better than worse, and better would be good, then..bad is good! i got it! damn i'm a genius.

anyway, i was kinda thinkin' of turnin' in a new leaf. somethin' that'll make my folks proud a' me. not that they aren't but...maybe make them a little more prouder. in a good way, of course.

'cause them parents are good folks. good people. gotta love 'em parents.

yeah. that's a good idea.

an' since the christmas season this year is pretty much special for me than last year's, i'm plannin' on donnin' the santa outfit an' give out gifts to everyone i remember.

more like...care to remember...or plan to remember...ahahahaha. 'cause i ain't that rich, y'know. i got taxes to pay, fer chrissakes. charities to uh...donate to, an' people to drown in that heaven sent juice called "booze".

yes, it is, heaven sent. i assure you. it's helped many people on different occasions. it's built so many lasting relationships, an' it has put an end to alotta "epic conflicts".

booze, hehehe, brings people together. yeah, maybe i need to write somethin' about that too.


and about this whole christmas thing, i'm really gettin' a good deal outta that previous reflection thing i did articles ago. 'cause i'm actually beginnin' ta believe that i'm finally gettin' in the zone of things, y'know, an' that i'm gettin' a better picture of this entire thing.

so...let's all thank whoever we need to thank an'....yeah, let's err, let's all of us be good this christmas season. an' give gifts.

an' show 'em people love, y'know. it's christmas.

happy holidays.

Friday, December 08, 2006

sands of time

time. it changes things.

it changes people. it changes everything.

angels can't be angels forever.

the angel you used to know, can, in a matter of months, lose her wings.

depends on what kind of personality she has. or, it could be that you're the one who's changing, not the other way around.

but it's crazy, because you wouldn't admit that you've changed. she wouldn't admit it either. so i'm guessing it could be both.

i used to know an angel. she saved me. during the time of my great wasting, she held me up. she carried me someplace else, someplace far away from the purgatory i was neck deep in.

she breathed life to my decaying soul.

i was given peace of mind. and my life was colorful again.

but things didn't stay that way. somehow things changed. the colors i used to see turned pale. what was once wonderfully hopeful turned bleak.

it was me. i was an infected soul. everything about me was not constant. things about me change a lot. i just couldn't figure out why.

no matter how resilient my angel was, she too, changed. slowly, her wings burned up. her once bright eyes turned darker with each passing month and i can hardly see them anymore due to the gloom.

turns out, i had the midas touch. only, everything i touch turns to shi*.

she looks at me differently now. i used to be so hopeful, and intelligent, and perfect, in her eyes.

now i'm only a vision of what used to be great. and beneath that vision lies the decaying image of what i really am and what i can be.

my angel, sacrificed her angelic virtue in exchange for my love. and so that we could both be angels.

but i loved her for her angelic virtue. because she made me an angel too.

my angel wanted me to become like her. but it only meant that she'd have to fall, to lift me up.

her sacrifice caused both of us to fall, in the end.

time changes things, you see.

funny thing is, people don't want things to change but they change anyway, because they get tired of the same old thing.

a constant never changes, yet change, is a constant.

a paradox in itself.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

we do have rules

got this from an officemate. had a blast reading it. this thing kicks.

women dictate the rules all the time.

so now here are men's rules. this is our "side of the story". it's all numbered one for a reason. don't ask me why.

1. men are not mind readers.

1. learn to work the toilet seat. you're a big girl. if it's up, put it down. we need it up, you need it down. you don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. sunday sports. it's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. let it be.

1. shopping is not a sport. and no, we are never going to think of it that way.

1. crying is blackmail.

1. ask for what you want. let us be clear on this one: subtle hints do not work! strong hints do not work! obvious hints do not work! Just say it!

1. yes and no are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. that's what we do. sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. a headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. see a doctor.

1. anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. in fact, all comments become null and void after 7 Days.

1. if you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.

1. if you think you're fat, you probably are. don't ask us.

1. if something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of them makes you sad or angry, then we meant the other one.

1. you can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. not both. if you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.

1. whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. christopher columbus did not need directions and neither do we.

1. all men see in only 16 colors, like windows default settings. peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. pumpkin is also a fruit. we have no idea what mauve is.

1. if it itches, it will be scratched. we do that.

1. if we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. we know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle, besides we know you will bring it up again later.

1. if you ask a question you don't want an a nswer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.

1. when we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine...really.

1. don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as baseball, the shotgun formation, or golf.

1. you have enough clothes.

1. you have too many shoes.

1. i am in shape. round is a shape!

1. thank you for reading this.

yes, i know, i have to sleep on the couch tonight.

but did you know men really don't mind that? it's like camping.

i can't believe somebody actually wrote all these down. obviously, somebody has too much time in his hands.

Friday, December 01, 2006

customer service from hell

it's not cute.

okay, so i was at the local 24/7, ground floor of the office building. i was in a damn hurry, 'cause i had to buy a bottle of pepsi minutes before i start my shift.

it was a friggin' long line. the thing is, there were two cash registers, and only one was active. i know for a fact that both of them are functional, because i just bought something else minutes ago.

one effhin' long line. the other cashier (who happens to be a male) was so busy chatting an' laffin' with a female co-worker. too busy indeed. too busy chattin'. an' laffin'. an' effhin' flirtin'.

they didn't notice that the customers were already getting bent outta shape.

maybe they did. but they didn't care.

what's craziest is when i leaned sideways to look at what's goin' on in fronta the line, the bonehead cashier is flirting with the attractive lady who obviously doesn't seem to be interested in him. the guy was twitchin' an' shi*. he was wired like crazy and he kept cheesin' all typesa jerky gestures, askin' so many obvious questions from the irritably disarrayed yet keeping polite lady. i can tell the lady was just putting up with the damnable guy's crap to avoid embarassment.

yet he kept on laughin' and smilin' and actin' cute.

i appreciate customer service people who smile a lot. i just think that his smiles an' gestures are gettin' offhand and very inappropriate, considering the situation that we were all in.

yup. an effhin' long line. an' gettin' cuter.

after the lady, another lady. unfriggin' believable. the idiot is flirting with all the women, as if they were all lined up for him . what a superstar. a very remarkable fellow. goddamn.

yep, he's cheezin'. sonofagun is good.

i kept my cool for a few more minutes. fourth lady. i flipped.

that is not cute! not...cute!

i crashed in, "ahurrm...can you.....please?! i'm in a hurry, okay?!". the amount of frustration and emotional discomposure was obviously detectable in my stammering voice.

my calm was seriously damaged, man.


he was surprised. humiliated. he shut his trap and processed the remaining customers thrice as fast as how it was, minutes ago. he never looked up again.

the other cashier opened a new line so he can help out with the pileup soon as he overheard my higher than average decibel level blurt (i was wearin' head phones, i didn't mean to shout...really..).

i got what i needed and gave my thanks to the guy, with a wicked grin. he just frowned an' kept on cashing in.

"do what you're paid to do....earn your keep", i thought.

quit your job if it's not for you.

i know i should've held back. but it will keep going on like that. somebody has to speak up. these people need to learn somethin'. i figured i was a saviour, y'know, 'cause i actually helped out the others, 'cause they were dying to speak up, they just didn't want any unneccessary attention. they must've thought that it could backfire, y'know.

i wouldn't, but he just dried my well of patience. i was in a real hurry. people.

customer service from hell.